St. Francis Knights of Columbus
The St. Francis Knights of Columbus are a group of Catholic men serving St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, the Diocese of Des Moines, and the global Church. We organize fish fries, volunteer in the community and raise money for charitable causes among other activities. If you are a Catholic man over 18 years old, consider joining our Council by clicking below
Who Are the Knights?
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.9 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people.
Membership Benefits
As a member of the Knights of Columbus you and your family enjoy many benefits, including eligibility to join the Knights of Columbus top-ranked life insurance program, 12 free issues annually of the Columbia magazine, the world’s largest Catholic family magazine,and many more family and personal benefits.
Knights of Columbus was chartered in March 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, with the intent of rendering financial aid to sick, disabled, and needy members and their families. Since it's founding, Knights of Columbus has expanded to 15,342 councils and 1.9 million members in countries around the world
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Catholic Men of Faith and Charitable Action
Charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. In 2016, Councils across the world donated $177.5 million and volunteered for more than 75 million hours of service. Recipients of this charity include the Christian Refugee Relief Fund, Disaster Relief, Ultrasound Initiative, Coats for Kids, Habitat for Humanity and Special Olympics.
Council Leadership
Al Brunkhorst
Grand Knight
Rob Szalay
Deputy Grand Knight
Bill Summers
Financial Secretary
Jim Sinclair
Paul Bird
Ryan Johnson
1 Year Trustee
Rob Ryan
Field Agent
Dalton Fabian
Director of Tech/Social Media
Ed Mattern
Kelly Ryan
Outside Guard
Aaron Putze
Inside Guard
Chip Davis
Frank Harty
2 Year Trustee
Craig Stalzer
3 Year Trustee
Peter Hunter
Fr. John Brobbey
Dan Werner